The Journey of Discovery: 'El Encuentro' with General Máximo Castillo's Memoirs
Rebecca Castillo Rebecca Castillo

The Journey of Discovery: 'El Encuentro' with General Máximo Castillo's Memoirs

“El Encuentro” translates to “The Encounter” In his introductory summary of “Máximo Castillo and the Mexican Revolution” the writer Jesús Vargas Valdés shares his profound experience of encountering with General Máximo Castillo’s memoirs, a journey he likens to a spiritual revelation or divine intervention.

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Villa at odds with Máximo
Rebecca Castillo Rebecca Castillo

Villa at odds with Máximo

Castillo’s commitment to Emiliano Zapata’s principles clashed with the challenges posed by Villa’s forces. Despite Castillo’s attempts at collaboration, Villa’s surprising actions in Casas Grandes changed the course of history.

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Máximo rescues Luz Corral de Villa
Rebecca Castillo Rebecca Castillo

Máximo rescues Luz Corral de Villa

General Castillo’s extraordinary act of kindness towards Francisco “Pancho” Villa’s family is a tale of bravery, loyalty, and incredible power of humanity.

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Madero and Màximo
History Rebecca Castillo History Rebecca Castillo

Madero and Màximo

What ultimately caused Màximo to lose faith in Madero, his old boss, with whom he had been very close as his personal guard in Casas Grandes, and where Màximo saved his life?

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